Edited by: Sabrina Russo Gagliardi

The other day I was at a virtual chat with a couple of amazing women and brilliant entrepreneurs; Carla Howard and Sandi Boucher, from Sparkle & Rise – A Community for Kind & Ambitious Women. We talked about what we were going to do over the long weekend, and I said that I would try to write and get my message and blog post out of me and into the world.

So, what’s the holdup with that, they wanted to know.

Finding my language, the authentic message that is in me, is not translating into words that easily…

Then Sandi, a change maker and blogger herself, said, “Write as if you would to someone you love and you are comfortable with.”

WOW, that was like a lightning bolt! It hit me in all the right places.

Suddenly, a hope that the post would actually be done arose.

I don’t think that Sandi thought much of it, especially not that it was THAT big of a deal and significance of what she said, but that’s a thing with all the things we choose to say, or not to say. We never know what kind of an impact our words, or lack of them, will have.

We never know what kind of an impact our words, or lack of them, will have.

~ New Me ~

It has been clear to me that I have a message to share with the world for quite some time. Figuring out how to do that has been a struggle.  Then Sandi comes and says such a simple sentence, which, in turn, lead to volcanic consequences.

I am putting my message into words, and releasing it into the world. I don’t know what kind of an impact they will have, but I do hope they will reach those who need to hear them.

With that hope, staying silent, or doubtful, is no longer an option.

Let’s get to it then…

What is Energy?

Energy is everything – we are energy, we are in energy and energy is in us. Energy is our whole world, and yet we don’t know it. We should have learned that in kindergarten, but we didn’t. My thought is that it is time for us to learn that.

When you say, “I”, you refer to living energy.

~ New Me ~

Quantum physics has offered us a view on how matter works that is completely at odds with how things seem to work in the real world, and in the process has turned our traditional view and understanding of our world on its head.

The Fundamentals of Living Energy

The fundamentals are that Energy is not woo-woo stuff.  It is real as you are real, as I am real, as we all are real.

The fundamental structure of all atoms in a body is energy. Those atoms create cells, the cells create organs and tissues, they create body systems, and they create a functioning, living body. Thus at a fundamental level your body IS energy.

In addition, your thoughts and emotions are energy too. You can’t touch, see, taste, smell or hear them with your physical ears either, but there is no doubt in your mind that they do exist. You don’t need a scientist to prove to you that; you’ve experienced both over, and over, and over again since the day you were born. 

The cells in a body communicate. That is the basic premise of a functioning body. The communication of the cells in the body is called an intercellular communication.

The intracellular communication, as well as thoughts and emotions, create an energetic imprint that is not just present in the body, but is also present outside of the body.

“Your thoughts and emotions are energy.”

~ New Me ~

The energy outside of the body creates an energetic field. This field is jam-packed with information of what is going on in your body, mind and emotion. This energy field is called Human Aura.  

Your energy field is thus your very unique property. It is a compilation of all that you are, that you think you are, and that is influencing you from the outside.

“Your energy field is a compilation of all that is you, that you think is you, and that is influencing you from the outside.”

~ New Me ~

Emotions as Energy

Every emotion we have is energy. As energy is not constricted to the limits of the body, it travels outside of the body and other people can and do pick-up on it.

The energy that is outside of your body creates an energy field that is most commonly known as the aura.

Every emotion, being energy, is a vibration and thus has its own frequency. There are no two emotions that have the same vibrational frequency. When we feel someone’s emotions, we feel the frequency of the emotion. That frequency then activates the same vibrational frequency within your energetic body is what then brings up the same emotion into your experience.

“Every emotion, being energy, is a vibration and thus has its own frequency.”

~ New Me ~

Your energetic sensitivity will determine how much of that emotion you’ll feel, but even a low emotional energetic sensitivity will still enable the other person to have the energetic recognition of the emotion.

Although this may sound like a process that needs to go through quite a few steps before it gets completed, and thus may sound lengthy and time consuming, the whole process from the beginning to the end happens instantaneously. We pick-up on people’s emotions the very instant we come in contact with them

“When we feel someone’s emotion, we feel the frequency of that emotion.”

~ New Me ~

Since the vibration of an emotion has exactly the same frequency for everyone, your sadness and the sadness of someone else, for example, has exactly the same frequency. And so does love. And anxiety. And fear, and so on.

You don’t feel sadder than them. Nor do you love more than them. If they feel love, they will feel it like you. You will only love “more” if the other person doesn’t actually feel love, but may have other emotions wrapped up into their expression of understanding of love.

“You don’t feel sadder than others. Nor do you love more than others.”

~ New Me ~

So really, all is connected. You experience what others do, and they experience what you do. That is mind-blowing, isn’t it?

Love as Healing Energy

Love is the emotion with the highest vibrational frequency of all emotions.

The higher the vibrational frequency, the higher healing power the emotion possesses.

The potency of love’s healing vibrational outcome is equal whether it is self-love or love received from another. Going back to what was mentioned earlier, the vibrational frequency of the same emotion is equal regardless of who feels it, ourselves or someone else. The vibrational frequency of love we feel and vibrational frequency of love someone else feels is exactly the same, thus having the same healing path.

Please note that, as briefly mentioned earlier, we are not talking here about all things that people tend to wrap up in the word ‘love’, like possessiveness, neediness, jealousy, anger, striking back, etc. The reference here is to the true meaning and vibration of love.

Rumi defined love beautifully:

“Love rests on no foundation. It is an endless ocean, with no beginning or end.”

~ Rumi ~

The difference between the effect of love’s frequency’s healing outcome from self-love and one received from someone else’s, is that self-love creates a permanent state of healing presence.

In absence of self-love, someone else’s love can give us healing only when that other person is present. If we lose that person, either to a separation or a loss, the lack of their love can then create a very opposite effect. What once was healing, creates a void which can feel like poison for us, unless we fill that void with self-love. 

“Love yourself if your life depended on it.”

~ New Me ~

Our aim is to love ourselves deeply. Not just for its healing properties, but because life is then so much more fun, vibrant and extraordinary. A love of another can then only add to what we already have.

Also, we then have what it takes to give to that significant other, and that is no longer our neediness to fulfill, but our love to enjoy.

Your love heals everything – people, places, emotions, events, and most notably, it heals you.


Everything is energy, in a literal sense.

Everything you touch, see, smell, taste, feel, think; everything that moves, and doesn’t move. You live in living energy and are fully equipped to thrive in that environment.

Understanding how we work as energy is the first step in making progress toward using our full capacity as human beings and with it, living a fulfilled and abundant life.

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