If you haven’t read the Part I of the Energy as a Diagnostic Tool in Health post , it’s a good idea to read it before moving on to this part. The first part gives the basic information about energy and us as energy, and provides the foundation on which this part lays.

To recap from the most basic premise from the previous post: you are a sum of the physical, the visible you, and energy, the invisible you.

In this post, just as in the previous one, I will not go into different types of energy, but will refer to energy anything that is invisible about us.

What Can Energy Tell You?

The information that will follow here is an extension of “The Multiple Faces of Energy” post, so if you haven’t checked that out yet, please do.

As mentioned in the Demystifying Living Energy post, energy is very real. It is as real as you, I, and all of us are.

Your energy field is the imprint you have been leaving as a “byproduct” of living your life – all events, how they shaped you, as well as how your emotional and physical bodies have reacted to those events. 

If your energy filed had the vocal cords like you do, it would shout out, “I am Yours!”

~ New Me ~

In a sense, your energy field is a recording of you. Thus it is very uniquely yours. Nobody else on the planet earth has the same energy field as you. So much so, that if your energy field had the vocal cords as you, it would shout out, “I am Yours!”

With that being so, there is no cookie-cutter approach to what an energy assessment will provide or the information that will come up during the assessment.

This is why I come into every energy assessment session as a student – forever a student practically. That doesn’t refer only to the assessments of energy fields of different people, but assessment of the energy field of the same person from one session to another. New information will present itself at every new assessment session.

As your life, thoughts, emotions and health changes, so does your energy field.

Energy is very real. It is as real as you, I and all of us are.

~ New Me ~

Our energy fields are a living testimony showing how incredibly unique and very special each and every one of us truly are.

What Is The Nature of a Bio-Energy Field?

The energy field which is in and around a body is known as a bio-energy field, where “bio” refers to the energy of a living organism.

Energy is impartial and truthful.

~ New Me ~

Energy is impartial and truthful. It doesn’t have an ego, thus doesn’t have an argument for, “Hold onto this,” or “Let go of that.” It doesn’t have an imprint saying, “This is bad” or “This is good,” nor does it have judgment, guilt or shame for you or itself. It just gives you information and lets you do what you will with it.

And it is available 24/7. There is no moment that energy sleeps or is tired. It is equally present at 2:00 AM and 2:00 PM. It speaks exactly the same “language” at both times – provides the same information on the same subject regardless of the time.

Your energy field is a living storage of you and your truth.

~ New Me~

Energy also doesn’t have a mood, it is not more upbeat at one time and more down at another. At its most basic truth, your energy field is a living storage of information of you and your truth, and is there to help you and guide you.

The Language of The Body

When in imbalance, the body gives symptoms. The symptoms are the body’s communication language, a sign system, telling you that it is dealing with an issue. The symptom is an outlet through which you get to know that the body requires your attention and help.

If the nature of the body was such that it didn’t produce any symptoms when in imbalance, then anybody could drop dead at any minute without ever knowing that there was something wrong with them to start with.  We see how having no symptoms can be detrimental, an example being high blood pressure, also called a “silent killer.”

Bio-energy field is a powerhouse of information.

~ New Me ~
High blood pressure is a “silent killer” because it is symptomless.

With that said, it can only be valid to say that our respect and love should be with our system and the body that is willing to learn a whole new language – the language of symptoms – so it could produce ‘vocabulary’ which speaks clearly enough to us to get our attention. Not the hatred. Not the ignorance. None of that. But rather love and respect. 

What Kind of Diagnostic Information Can You Get From Your Energy Field?

The bio-energy field is much bigger than the body, and it is a powerhouse of information.

The body has only so many ways, or outlets, to communicate an issue. With that, there are a limited, numbered amount of symptoms.

A particular symptom has the same physical pathway of development in a body, but that is not to say that the same symptom is initiated by the same cause in two different people.

That is as if you were to say that the binary code has only two numbers, 0 and 1. We definitely see two numbers only, 0 and 1, however, the information those two numbers provide is infinite.

Energy is like a baby, it doesn’t want you to be hung onto symptoms. It wants you to see a real reason behind the symptom, and it provides you with a way to do that.

~ New Me ~

Therefore, two people can have the same symptom but may have two completely different seed reasons for their symptoms. This means that their road to recovery and wellness is going to be different.

Here, it is important to say that treating the symptom will not reverse-engineer the path back to the cause of the symptom, and thus eliminate it, unless the cause and the treatment are equal to one another. 

Treating the symptom will not reverse-engineer the path back to the cause of the symptom.

~ New Me ~

To give you a better understanding of this, let’s use an example of a baby crying. Her crying can be a result of different reasons – she could be hungry, have a dirty diaper, have stomach cramps, she’s teething, or feels uncomfortable, she is cold, or hot, can’t fall asleep, etc.  

If we use a pacifier as a solution, a treatment for her crying, we might be successful in soothing her and stopping her crying. However, as anyone who has had a baby knows, this is not always the solution. A soother will work only for some issues. It will not be the solution for all of them. But if you can figure out what the reason for the baby’s crying is, then you can attend to it without a delay.

That is exactly what a combo of physical and energetic bodies do – symptoms alert us to an issue, and energy field helps us see what specifically our reason, our imbalance, is. You can say that energy is like a baby, it doesn’t want you be hung onto symptoms. It wants you see the real reason behind the symptom, and it provides you with a way to do that.

Energy is like a baby, it doesn’t want you to be hung onto symptoms. It wants you see the real reason behind the symptom, and it provides you with a way to do that.

The energy assessment of a person’s bio-field provides a crucial information their symptom is trying to communicate to them.


The universe, internal and external, is dependent on balance. When in imbalance, we can feel that in an array of potential states, from not feeling quite well, to having an acute illness. Our body and our energy field are both involved in the process of imbalance, and are affected by the imbalance.

Energy is a simple, straightforward, uncomplicated form of communication between a person’s being and their well-being. If the well-being of the person is jeopardized, in addition to taking care of the physical aspect, we’ll get much further and faster along toward recovery if we take into account the energy input and guidance.

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