Edited by: Sabrina Russo Gagliardi
Here is the second part of the Daydream So You Can Thrive post. Although this part provides information on its own, I recommend that you read it after you read the first post, Daydream So You Can Thrive, Part I.
The Part I explores the general aspect of daydreaming, what daydreaming is and how it affects us.
This part, Part II, dives into the energy aspect of daydreaming. An incredibly interesting perspective, especially if you haven’t thought of daydreaming from that angle.
Before I proceed, I thought to share with you information I received in one of the meditations. It seems very appropriate for the subject of this post.

Without further ado, let’s dive right into it…
Dreams Incorporated – Understanding Daydreaming
Looking from an energetic point of view, daydreaming comes in different energetic values. The denser the energetic value, the more focused and path-cutting daydreaming is.
There are very specific stages to daydreaming, which go from a very loose, airy energy to a very dense, mentally focused energy. These stages are Formation, Formulation and Focus; otherwise known as the three Fs.
When dreams become goals, the goals drive your thinking, behaviours and actions.
~ New Me~
When the daydreaming starts, it automatically moves from an abstract thought to its first stage, Stage 1. This stage is called Formation.
If the daydream evolves, it then goes to its second stage, the Stage 2. This stage is called Formulation.
If the daydream evolves further, then it goes into its final stage, the Stage 3. This stage is Focus.
In summary, the three stages of daydreaming are defined with three Fs:
- Stage 1: Formation
- Stage 2: Formulation
- Stage 3: Focus

Stage 1: Formation
This is a very airy, loose, energetically dispersed stage.
This is the stage where mind-wandering meets daydreaming, and thoughts shift from one to another easily and without a specific definition of where one ends and the other begins.
This allows you to easily shift from one daydream to another without even noticing that you’ve been moving around to different places in your mind. The jumping from one subject to another seems seamless, exploring different visual and emotional contributors with ease and non-attachment.
Formation is a stage where mind-wandering meets daydreaming, and thoughts shift from one to another easily and without a specific definition of where one ends and the other begins.
~ New Me ~

If suddenly interrupted in your daydreaming, you are likely not going to remember much of what has gone through your mind, and if you do, it will likely be the very first and then the last thing of it. Everything in the middle will lose the “value” for your memory to store it and retain it. This is why in a short while you are likely not going to remember even the first or last thing that has gone through your mind any longer.
With the mind easily jumping from one visual to another without being tied to any particular mind-place, thought, emotion or outcome, it might seem that this type of daydreaming has no value at all, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Daydreaming provides a release from stress, either stress a situation you are going through is causing you or general life stress.
In this first, loose energy stage, daydreaming is a form of meditation that we haven’t utilized well in that structure in life. I believe that it is because we’ve been taught that daydreaming is bad, a run from “reality.”
This first stage also provides a base on which the following two stages of daydreaming are formed, Stage 2, Formulation, and Stage 3, Focus.
Stage 2: Formulation
This is a denser energetic stage, where daydreaming thought, vision, or ideal has formed and moved into an aspiration.
Here, the daydreaming has narrowed down its field of exploration and is now moving more consistently around a specific thought, vision or a desired outcome. You can clearly see what you want, and can easily explain it in words.
You can also easily describe why you would like to see that happen and can easily argue the validity of your aspiration.
Formulation is a stage of daydreaming where the energetic intensity the aspiration provides is at work to a certain extent in your everyday life.
~ New Me~
The pondered upon aspirations are stored in your long-term memory and you can easily recall them, and should you chose to do so, easily improve upon them in your mind.
In this stage of daydreaming, the energetic intensity the aspiration provides is at work to a certain extent in your everyday life. The energetic output of the aspiration influences, to a degree, your words, actions and behaviours. You are hooked and you can feel that your life is better for it.

Stage 3: Focus
Here, your daydreaming thought has become a fixed vision. The daydreaming thought has turned from a very vague airy energy into a dense, laser focused energy.
This energy has become so dense that it has overwhelmed the internal capacity to hold it, and has started moving outward, into the external space and external actions.
In short, the energy has started moving immaterial into material, a vision into an action.
The very first action that generally occurs is a plan, even if the plan is a vague one. I sometimes think of a plan that comes out of daydreaming as a way for the vision to see itself in this reality.
Unless hardened by a firm focus, dreams thrive and die on feedback.
~ New Me ~
If you continue to stay in this dense energy, you will move from a vague plan into a better defined one, and that into an even more defined one, and so on. The vision has now fully crossed the bridge of a pure thought, immaterial expression, into material, where it is now redefining and adjusting itself so that it can be the best version of itself in your perceived reality.
This stage of daydreaming carries the energy that moves the worlds, individual and collective. It has garnered so much focus that it moves forward only. The energy of the immaterial is so dense that the daydream can only go in one direction, from immaterial to material, to be witnessed with our physical eyes.

The highest spectrum of this stage, when the focus fully firms up, is called determination.
The firmed focus is a highly grounded energy. People who carry this energy can be observed by the way they walk. The contact of their feet with the ground is full and firm. They are conscious and aware of each step they take. They unapologetically communicate their presence with the earth and all that is present on earth, and adorn their presence in life with self-worth and self-respect.
The highest spectrum of this stage, when the focus fully firms up, is called determination.
~ New Me ~
It is interesting to note that if they shift out of their focus, their energy may change too. But as long as they are in their focus, the presence of others, or lack thereof, doesn’t affect their energetic output.
Here is a side note…
This stage of daydreaming, Stage 3, Focus, and the change in energy that takes place in this stage, is a predecessor to Manifestation. There will be no manifestation unless this stage of daydreaming is done with all it entails.
In its most basic form, daydreams are life’s sweet escapes which can add spice to a life, making it more pleasurable and enjoyable.
But daydreams are also so much more than that, and they truly can become life’s sweet ports. When we allow ourselves to explore their true nature, they show up creative, uncompromising, and unique. They lead us out of anguish in the midst of adversity and steer our ship of life to its most advantageous port.
When dreams become goals, the goals drive your thinking, behaviours and actions. Dreams set the trajectory of your life in a direction you consciously chose.
Unless hardened by a firm focus, dreams thrive and die on feedback. The feedback is received from our own inner mind and from others, and can be garnered by action (with the message “You Failed,” “You did great!”) and in-action (“You are not capable,” “You are not able,” “You are not good enough.”)
To take the most advantage of this faculty of your mind to daydream, get your dreams as firm as you can. Unless you abandon them, they will never abandon you.
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Ewa Mrs Zdanowicz
July 26, 2021 4:24 amIncredible work! Very inspiring and promising a better, new improved self! Thank you for this blog!
New Me
July 27, 2021 11:08 pmThank you so very much Ewa! Stay tuned as more valuable content is coming.
May 10, 2023 8:54 amI value how you break down complex topics and make them easy to understand.