Energy as a diagnostic tool can used in many different applications – check out The Multiple Faces of Energy post – but the one I am going to focus on in this post is using energy in the diagnosis of health and overall well-being of a person.
The multiple facets of energy provide us with unlimited potential of blessings in our lives.
~ New Me ~
My intention for the Energy as a Diagnostic Tool in Health subject was to present it in one single post. But as I started writing, I have realized that there is so much more information than one post alone can handle. This is why “Energy as a Diagnostic Tool in Health” is divided into two parts and presented in two separate posts, as Part I and Part II.
It’s interesting to point out that this facet of energy is probably the most underutilized considering that it is most valuable when things don’t go right and when the health or well-being of a person is compromised.
There is so much to talk about here – where do I begin?? I am thinking to start with what I love…
I must admit, I am a bit of a geek, a cool one though – one that goes to the parties, talks to people and likes to dress well – but I like my chemistry. Science in general. I LOVE science!
I am thinking that I should then start right there.

Science Says….
If scientists are right with their statement that we are energy, then it means that there is more to us than only the physical aspect. It means that there is both the body and the energy, and that we are both.
If we are the physical and the energy, then we can use both in our health assessment and health management with equal validity.
Let’s put core definitions into place, and for the purpose of this post, the simpler they are, the better it is.
We can say that our body is a visible part of us, and energy is an invisible part of us. There are different types of energy, but that is not what this post will go into. In this post, I will simply refer to energy as anything that is invisible.
Your body is a visible part of you, and the energy is an invisible part of you.
~ New Me ~
We have already developed a multitude of health diagnostic tools that work with energy output rather than the physical condition of the body. Those diagnostic tools have propelled the science of medicine into brand new chapters. And we are learning that we have only started scratching the surface of understanding of who we really are and what we are capable of.
Here, a big shout-out to Dr. Joe Dispenza and his team who have showed through the brain scans of thousands of people, how our brains work and what it all means for us in real life.

When I Say “Energy,” What Do I Mean?
Our whole body is one big bubble of energy. The body is made of organs, which are made of cells, which are made of atoms.
If you look at the structure of an atom, you’ll see a nucleus and electrons around it.

There is an empty space between the nucleus and the electrons that orbit around the nucleus. This empty space is not empty at all – it is full of forces, energy and information that we can’t see with the naked eye, but know is there.
If you look at the radius the atom takes, and look at how much of the space electrons, neutrons and protons together take within that radius, you’ll see that there is only a small percentage that is the mass – the stuff we see – and the biggest part is the space in which we do not see any mass.
The nature does not create something that has no purpose.
~ New Me
Although there is no mass there, nature does not create something that has no purpose. Everything that is in an atom, the mass part and the no-mass part, is there so that the atom can function and perform its purpose.
This atom is then enabled to bind with another atom, and another, etc. until they form a cell; the cell will then bind with another cell, and another, to form an organ. The organs will then create a body as well as the information highway to exchange information between themselves so that the body functions in harmony.
The universe, internal and external, is dependent on balance.
~ New Me ~
So now imagine – according to Bruce Lipton, PhD, it is estimated that a body has an average of 50 trillion cells. Cells have different number of atoms, but according to the engineers at Washington University, a rough estimate of average number of atoms per cell is 100 trillion. Can you possibly imagine how much of the “empty space” that is in your body?
Where is That Energy?
That empty space is the energy at work in an atom, in a cell, in an organ, in the body, and around the body.
This energy field is known as a bio-energy field, where “bio” refers to the energy of a living organism. The bio-energy field includes the energy inside and outside of the body. This is slightly different from Aura, which generally refers to the energy field outside of the body.
The bio-energy field is jam-packed with information that pertains to you only, and is thus a very relevant source of information for you.
Since that is so, this field is THE place to go to get a feedback on why you are where you are when it comes to a physical, mental or emotional imbalance or an illness.

How Energy as a Diagnostic Tool Works?
Since you are energy in addition to being a body, you are a walking, talking, thinking energy receptor.
In other words, everybody experiences their own energy AND the energy of other people.

Because energy doesn’t have boundaries as the body does, you can and do pick up on the energy of people close to your physical body, but also on energy of people in general, including those not close to you physically.
You may have had these hunches when you stand close to someone and you feel very uncomfortable, or had a feeling that someone is watching you, or thought of someone you haven’t talked to in a while and the phone rings and it’s them.
You are a walking, talking, thinking energy receptor.
~ New Me~
What is actually happening is that your energy body is picking up the energy field of the other person, and your energy body “translates” the information that the other energy field communicates. The more you are tuned into this “communication,” the more you’ll understand it.
It is the same as learning a language; the more you talk, the better you get at talking.
This is exactly what happens when I do the Energy Assessment. The energy assessment is the feedback the client’s energy field provides. The information is unique to each client, each person. The information retrieved is never about symptoms, but rather about the root cause of the imbalance causing that symptom.
As much as you are the body, you are the energy too. Your nature is therefore not just physical but also energetic. In fact, your physical body would not be able to function if there were no energy. In other words, without energy you, I, or anybody else would not be alive.
In the Part II of Energy as a Diagnostic Tool In Health, I go deeper into the subject and discuss in detail how energy is used for that purpose.
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