Edited by: Sabrina Russo Gagliardi
Hello dear reader! As I have put the title on this post, I realize how strange it sounds.
My desire for this blog is to HELP. To help you help yourself have more abundance in all areas of your life. So you can thrive – live more, enjoy more and give more.
Energy, as I experience it, is an all prevailing, living, intelligent, nourishing, decisive and vibrant force that we all are, live in, and are surrounded with.
Because of that, it has multiple “faces.” The likelihood of multiple faces of energy is that it just might provide for an infinite number of applications, and applications of energy are really what is helpful to us in our life.
It is easier to understand applications of energy when at least some aspects the energy holds are understood. Here are four distinguishable groups of energy applications:
- Energy as a Diagnostic Tool
- Energy as Nourishment – Energetic Nutrition
- Energy as a Healing Propagator
- Energy as a Manifesting Force
Each group has a multitude of different individual applications, each one benefiting us in its own unique way.
The likelihood of multiple faces of energy is that it just might provide for an infinite number of applications.
~ New Me ~
But Before We Begin…
We are used to expressions: “I feel low,” or “That person has bad energy,” or “I have no energy,” etc. While all those are faces of energy indeed, they belong to individual applications. As such will be discussed in one of the future posts. In this post, the focus will be on the four energy groups mentioned above.

1. Energy as a Diagnostic Tool
Energy as a diagnostic tool can be used in many different areas: in health, finding objects, finding water, finding out truth, mediumship, psychic readings, etc. We’ll focus here on energy as a diagnostic tool in the health sphere.
There are many different ways of using energy in the diagnosis of health; probably as many as there are energy workers. All of them use the information energy provides to uncover a root cause of the physical, mental or emotional imbalance or illness.
In my work with clients, I call this process Energy Assessment.
While we might be used to focusing on symptoms as a diagnosis of an imbalance or illness, and sometimes even think of symptoms as the illness itself, energy work focuses on uncovering the root cause of the problem.
Energy is an accurate, truthful, thorough, readily available health and well-being diagnostic toolbox.
~ New Me ~
Energy doesn’t separate physical, mental and emotional bodies into three separate entities, but sees them as the unified field of you. This is why the energy assessment easily crisscrosses between the physical, mental and emotional states, and might show something that has a physical symptom as having a root cause in an emotional issue, for example.
We all have an energy field. Our energy field is very unique to us – nobody else on planet earth has the same energy field as us.
Energy assessment is done by “reading” the energy field. This is why your energy assessment is more than likely going to be very different from another person’s energy assessment, even if that person has the same symptoms as you.

2. Energy as Nourishment – Energetic Nutrition
We still haven’t utilized this attribute the energy has, despite all our knowledge and advances in understanding of nutrition and how body works.
This aspect of energy works directly with the body, acting as the key ingredient in maintaining a balanced and vibrant body.
The higher energetic value of the food we eat, the more nourishment our body receives.
~ New Me~
In addition to a nutritional value the food we consume has, the one you might be familiar with – minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, fiber, proteins, etc., it also has an energetic value. The body directly uses the energetic value of the food we consume and uses it as a source of energetic nourishment.
Vitamins, proteins, and other properties of the food we consume provide mechanical parts the body uses to build itself.
The energetic nutrition is a different aspect of nourishment the body needs to be in optimal health.
Energetic Nutrition is not what you see or touch, but is an invisible living force within food that gives its energy to the body.
~ New Me ~
The higher energetic value of the food we eat, the more energetic nourishment our body receives. The more energetic nourishment it receives, means that it will be in a more stable and vibrant state, with a strong immune system and balanced functioning of body systems, organs and cells.
These people will also have more vitality, energy and will have a more youthful look.

3. Energy as a Healing Propagator
There are probably as many modalities of energy healing as there are energy workers, but for all of them energy is that main force that does the healing.
Energy healing can be “delivered” in a form of a prayer, a ritual, or by using our mind. Some energy healers will prefer that the person they are working on is in a close physical proximity to them, while other energy healers find distance healing to be just as effective.
Love heals. Period.
~ New Me ~
Although energy healing is still being heavily dismissed by Western medicine, the works of many prominent doctors and scientists are starting to pave a different path in our westernized approach to health. To mention just a few of them: Dr. Joe Dispenza, advances in neuroscience, Bruce Lipton, PhD, in epigenetics and Dr. David Hawkins in psychology.
Emotion such as love in one of the healing energies. This was part of the Demystifying Living Energy post.

4. Energy as a Manifesting Force
This has been much discussed property of energy in the recent years. This is generally known as the Law of Attraction.
The law of attraction is an interesting property of energy in regards that some people swear by it and others say that it doesn’t work for them at all.
However, everybody can use and utilize energy as a manifesting force in their own life and manifest things, ideas, people, events and outcomes they wish to experience. I have touched on this in the Daydream so You Can Thrive, Part II, blog post, under Stage 3.
Don’t fall victim to your inner-critic telling you that you are not worth it. You ARE worth everything that is good for you.
~ New Me ~
It is important to remember that this property of energy, like any of the above properties, is not reserved for some “special” people.
Energy is, and has always been, impartial, and is equally available to you as it is to anybody else out there. Don’t fall victim to your inner-critic telling you that you are not worth it. You ARE worth everything that is good for you.
Energy is a living presence that “speaks” to you in many different ways, and is ready-made “material” to assist you in all that you need.
Every area of your life can be addressed with energy and shaped through energy to bring you to your truest, most engaged feeling of fulfillment.
Learning how to do that is the key to alleviate suffering and bring in prosperity and joy.
All it takes is to be open to the idea, to be willing to try it, and to be patient with yourself until you develop the skills needed to support you on a journey to your most fulfilled life.
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May 8, 2023 12:57 pmI value how you break down complicated subjects and explain them simple to grasp.